Public Works

Drone image of WS with white church and library

Department of Public Works (DPW)

“Safety is our number one priority each day.”

The West Springfield Department of Public Works performs a diverse number of tasks on a daily basis. These tasks effect almost every aspect of life for those living, visiting and/or working within the boundaries of the Town of West Springfield. We acknowledge that the safety and comfort of the citizens of West Springfield is the prime purpose of our mission. We commit our efforts to attain each goal with environmental sensitivity and fiscal constraint.

Major DPW responsibilities

  • Maintenance of streets and sidewalks
  • Installation and repair of street signs
  • Water treatment and distribution
  • Snow removal and sanding
  • Collection and pumping of sanitary sewer effluent
  • Flood protection
  • Collection of recyclables, solid waste, yard waste and large bulk items.

DPW Table of Organization

  1. Administration and Finance
  2. Operations (street and sidewalk maintenance, storm and sanitary sewer operation including flood control, snow and ice removal operations, monitoring solid waste collection)
  3. Water Treatment and Distribution
  4. Engineering and Design (responsible for all contract work, inspections, and related documents, Interacts with other Departments for the providing technical assistance and relative information)


Department Head

Trevor Wood

T: 413-263-3030