Animal Control

Animal Control Pup.jpg

To report a lost or found animal, please contact the Animal Control Officer at 413-263-3210 x9

Check out our Facebook Page to see listings of lost or found animals.

For immediate pick up of found dogs, please contact the West Springfield Police Department @ 413-263-3210 and Press 0 for the Police Dispatcher.


Report dead animals in the roadway to the police dispatcher.

Mammals larger than squirrels can be removed from the town owned roads by the "disposer of dead animals" who will be dispatched by either the Police or Health Department.

  • Squirrels and smaller mammals will not be collected
  • Dead animals on State owned roads will be collected by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.
  • Dead animals on private property are the responsibility of the property owner or occupant.

Animals are not picked up immediately. Please report dead animals and we will get to them as soon as possible.

Dog Licenses are in! They can be obtained through our application process online or paper license in person at the Town Clerks Office.