Stone Bridge Restoration
Stone Bridge Restoration Project: May 2012-July 2012


Summary: The Mittineague Park Stone Bridge Area is a scenic picnic area containing a historical stone bridge and stone walls which once contained the town's original swimming hole. The Stone Bridge was built as part of three stone bridges (2 for traffic and 1 for pedestrians) constructed within the park in the 1930s, as a part of the Works Project Administration. A small pond was also constructed on the brook during this time, and provided the first public swimming area. However, a major hurricane struck this area in 1950 and ended the use of the area as a swimming hole.
The Stone Bridge Area was rehabilitated in 2000 as part of phase 1 of the Mittineague Park Master Plan. As a component of this project, the Stone Bridge was restored by repointing and replacing missing stones. Since the Stone Bridge's rehabilitation in 2000, there had been again some cracking, loose stones, and stones that had fallen out. The 2012 CPA project was put in place to hire a mason who specialized in historic restoration to repair these issues with the Stone Bridge while maintaining the historic integrity the bridge has to offer.
CPA Program Area: Historical Preservation
Total Cost: $4,900, 100% funded by CPA