Garden Club
The West Springfield Garden Club
(1963 - 2023 Celebrates 60 Years!)
SHARE ~ in carrying out a beautification program by participating in plantings at several locations including: Mittineague Park, Town Hall, Elm Street Gazebo, Town Common Gazebo, Seth Swift Memorial Garden, Barbara Graves Memorial Garden, Churchill Avenue Planters, and the W.S. Senior Center.
LEARN ~ with “hands on” projects by working in our greenhouse and participating in our beautification program. We sponsor annual education programs with guest speakers on garden topics.
ENJOY ~ the friendship of Garden Club members and experience the joy of creating and sharing with others the beauty of your garden.

We welcome persons of all ages who are interested in gardening. For more information please contact: Dues are $20.00 per year.
For more information, visit the West Springfield Garden Club at
Garden Club Membership Form(PDF, 103KB)