Garden Club

The West Springfield Garden Club


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(1963 - 2023 Celebrates 60 Years!)

SHARE ~ in carrying out a beautification program by participating in plantings at several locations including: Mittineague Park, Town Hall, Elm Street Gazebo, Town Common Gazebo, Seth Swift Memorial Garden, Barbara Graves Memorial Garden, Churchill Avenue Planters, and the W.S. Senior Center.

LEARN ~ with “hands on” projects by working in our greenhouse and participating in our beautification program. We sponsor annual education programs with guest speakers on garden topics.

ENJOY ~ the friendship of Garden Club members and experience the joy of creating and sharing with others the beauty of your garden.

360-degree image of the greenhouse

We welcome persons of all ages who are interested in gardening. For more information please contact: Dues are $20.00 per year.

For more information, visit the West Springfield Garden Club at

Garden Club Membership Form(PDF, 103KB)