Flag Football - West Side Wolverines

The West Side Wolverines Football Coaching Staff, along with the West Springfield Park & Recreation Department, are pleased to offer a Spring 5 on 5 Passing League. This Flag Football type league will be geared towards giving players (new & returning) the opportunity to get some football in during the off season. This league is being offered for children who are currently in Grades 2-7 and will be held Tuesdays & Thursdays (6:00pm-7:30pm) for practices AND Sundays (9:00am-11:30am) for practices/games from April 29th - June 15th at Vets Field, on City View Ave in West Springfield.


Registration Fee: $45 (West Springfield Residents) / $55 (Non-Residents) ~ Participants will receive a Wolverines T-Shirt!

Participants are to wear cleats/sneakers, no additional equipment is needed, and pack plenty of water. Players must provide their own transportation. Please notate your child’s T-Shirt size at time of registration: YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL, AXXL

Flag Football.png

Activity Code: Grades: Dates: Days/Times: Location: Fee: 
432010-1 2 & 3

April 29, May 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 27, 29, June 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15

TUES & THURS: 6:00PM - 7:30PM

SUN: 9:00AM - 11:30AM

Vets Field

221 City View Ave. W.S.

432010-2 4 & 5

April 29, May 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 27, 29, June 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15

TUES & THURS: 6:00PM - 7:30PM

SUN: 9:00AM - 11:30AM


Vets Field

221 City View Ave. W.S.

432010-3 6 & 7

April 29, May 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 27, 29, June 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15

TUES & THURS: 6:00PM - 7:30PM

SUN: 9:00AM - 11:30AM

Vets Field

221 City View Ave. W.S.





Online registration is the fastest way to register. Please note that registrations are processed on a first come, first served basis.

  • Click here to reach our Online Registration Site
  • Log in with your credentials. Contact the Park & Recreation Office (parkandrec@tows.org) in order to verify your username and password or to get help setting up an account.
  • Choose "WS Wolverines Flag Football", pick the activity you are interested in, add to cart, and check out.
  • Continue to the payment screen. This will allow you to use a credit/debit card to pay for your programs.
  • Check your email! The Park & Recreation Office will email you your registration confirmation. Approximately 1 week prior to the start of the program, an email newsletter will be sent with detailed information.




Another option for registration is bringing your paperwork and payment (cash/check ONLY) into the Town Hall. Visit the Park & Recreation Office Monday - Friday between the hours of 8:00AM - 4:30PM. A staff member will assist you. Please note that registrations are processed on a first come, first served basis.

  • Complete a West Side Wolverines Flag Football Registration Form(PDF, 2MB)

  • Make checks payable to "Town of West Springfield" or pay in cash. (CASH/CHECK ONLY!)

  • Check your email! The Park & Recreation Office will email you your registration confirmation. Approximately 1 week prior to the start of the program, an email newsletter will be sent with detailed information.


Drop Box

Using the White Drop Box located on the median outside of the Municipal Office Building is another option for Registration. Please note that registrations are processed on a first come, first served basis.

  • Make checks payable to "Town of West Springfield"
  • Write "Park and Recreation Department" on the front of a blank envelope
  • Place in the White Drop Box located outside of the Municipal Office Building at 26 Central St. 
  • Check your email! The Park & Recreation Office will email you your registration confirmation. Approximately 1 week prior to the start of the program, an email newsletter will be sent with detailed information.




Mail-in is the final option on how to register. Please note that registrations are processed on a first come, first served basis.

  • Make checks payable to "Town of West Springfield"
  • Mail to:

West Springfield Park & Recreation Department

26 Central St. - Suite 19

West Springfield, MA 01089

  • Check your email! The Park & Recreation Office will email you your registration confirmation. Approximately 1 week prior to the start of the program, an email newsletter will be sent with detailed information.


Wolverines Logo.jpg