All the water meters in the Town of West Springfield record the amount of water in cubic feet. One cubic foot of water equals 7.48 gallons of water. The water meter has a set of dials, similar to the odometer of a car, which rotates as the water passes through the meter, whether the water is used or lost due to a leak. Most meters are located in the basement. There are two ways the Town reads the meter: it is either read directly by a person or by a unique radio signal that the meter sends out to a computer. Currently, the Town is working on standardizing to meters that send out a radio signal which can be read by a computer inside a car that is driving down the street.
If a customer wants to check their usage, they can simply shine a flashlight on the face of the meter (the flashlight “activates” the “odometer” of a digital meter) and read the register for themselves. Checking your reading can be done as often as they want. To determine a daily usage - subtract yesterday’s reading from today’s reading, giving you the number of cubic feet that have passed through the meter.
The billing is done in hundreds of cubic feet which is abbreviated as HCF or CCF. If you have 1 unit on your bill, this translates to 748 gallons of water used. One revolution of the sweep hand represents one cubic foot used, and the first moving number will increase by one.
Many meters have a small red triangle located on the meter which is a leak indicator. To determine if you have a leak after your meter, turn off all the water in your home. If the triangle is moving, water is going through the meter, which indicates that although you have all of your faucets turned off, water is leaking out somewhere.
Customers are encouraged to monitor the water meter readings on a regular basis. To determine if there is a possible leak, write down the meter reading before going to bed at night or before leaving for the day.
Do not run a dishwasher, laundry or sprinkler line or flush the toilet during the test period. Write down the new reading the next morning or when you get back from your day out and subtract the prior reading. If there has been any change, you probably have a leak, most likely the toilet.
Toilet leaks usually run undetected for quite some time before the homeowner hears or sees the water entering or leaving the toilet bowl. Put some coloring or test tablets in the tank and then wait to see if any color appears in the bowl. If it does, the flapper valve needs to be replaced.
According to the American Water Works Association, a leaking toilet can waste as much as 27 cubic feet = 0.27 CCF = 202 gallons per day which at our current water cost of $4.32/HCF would cost $1.1664/day or about $105.00 over a three month period.
Please contact our office if you have any additional questions regarding your water meter readings.